Our Community

At Trinity, we are conscious of our responsibility to the wider community.
We provide support to a range of causes close to the heart of our team. Each of the causes we support follow the personal experiences of staff members, or his or her family.
We believe that by providing this support we are contributing to the happiness and wellbeing of the broader community, a commitment we take very seriously.

Bike Ride for Brain Cancer
Brain cancer kills more children and people under 40 than any other cancer and yet it remains one of the most under-researched of all cancers. Brain Cancer Biobanking Australia (BCBA) is a consortium of over 60 of Australia's leading paediatric and adult brain cancer clinicians and researchers.
BCBA acts as the virtual hub for a national network of 20 brain cancer biobanks and as an integrated platform to develop collaborative projects aims at delivering better outcomes for brain cancer patients. Each year BCBA need $250K to support their operations.
Trinity’s Annual Green Day
In support of the Brain Cancer Collective, Trinity hosts what is fondly known as Trinity’s Annual Green Day. This day sees our team come together for a wonderful afternoon of networking and healthy competition to raise funds for a cause very close to our hearts, the Brain Cancer Collective.

Hard Hat Day
The Property Industry Foundation believes that every young Australian deserves a safe, secure home environment. Together with The Property Industry Foundation, Trinity is proud to support Hard Hat Day.
Hard Hat Day brings together our clients, staff & sub-contractors to raise awareness around how we as an industry can help solve the problem of youth homelessness.
Tour de PIF
Youth homelessness affects 44,000 young Australians, and each night, 1 in 3 young people are being turned away from supported accommodation services. The Property Industry Foundation exists to solve this problem of youth homelessness. Trinity is proud to join the Property Industry Foundation in Tour de PIF, fielding teams of walkers, riders & runners to raise money for this great cause.